First Aid at Work Questions

Our first aid at work questions detail frequently asked questions and tailored answers related to first aid requirements at work.

How many first-aiders do I need?

The amount of first-aiders or cover required is determined by the type of work you carry out and the number of people in the organisation. Your first aid needs assessment should be recorded and regularly updated. This document from the HSE defines the legal requirements for first aid provisions. Or, read our blog covering first aider requirements.

Who is responsible for record-keeping?

Employers hold the overall responsibility for ensuring effective record-keeping is undertaken. However, responsibility for completing the record-keeping would usually belong to the first-aider or appointed person.

Should first aid training be approved by the HSE?

It is not a legal requirement for first aid training to be approved by the HSE. However, first aid training providers should be able to demonstrate how they comply with the criteria set by the HSE. Our First Aid Appointed Person eLearning course provides an overview of the role and the main responsibilities that come with it.

What should we have in our first-aid box?

Examples of what to include in a first-aid box includes:

  • Range of plasters in different sizes
  • Bandages
  • Safety pins
  • Disposable gloves

Your first aid needs assessment should identify any additional requirements for your first aid box.

Do I record all incidents that require assistance from a first aider?

The HSE recommends it as good practice for first aiders and appointed persons to record incidents that required their assistance. This information can then help identify accident trends and areas for improvement.